Sunday, April 20, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week Part 7)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.


Dear Child, 
Little one, behold, I am the Lion of Judah. I walk in strength, boldness, and majesty. I am the Warrior King. I am not caged, I am not tame. But I am good, little one. Hold fast to my mane. Do not be afraid.

I am the Lion whose roar created the heavens and earth! My roar called forth Lazarus, still tangled in the wrappings of a dead man. My roar hushed the mighty storm. "The lion has roared; Who will not fear?"

I am the Lion who became a Lamb, who laid aside his strength to stretch out on a cross.  I am the Lion, who crouched down low in order to spring forth in triumph with the fierce roar of my love! I am the King who comes in victory to make everything right again.

Listen for my roar! I have created you in power and beauty, I will still your storms, I will call you to life with my word. I have put my lion-heart in you--do not keep quiet--for my righteous ones are bold as a lion!     

Lion of Judah

“Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.  He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.’"
Revelation 5:5

Genesis 49:9, Genesis 1:1, John 11:43 Luke 8:22-24, Prov. 21:8, Phil. 2:5-11, Amos 3:8, Prov 28:1

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week Part 6)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.

Dear Child,
Life can feel dark and lonely. There are seasons so difficult that my children are tempted to hide in dim corners, pressing their hands over their eyes.

Open your eyes, my Child.  I am here.  I am the True Light. There is no darkness in me.  I have come into this dark world to rescue my children, to lead you out of darkness.

I am the True Light.  I bring clarity-- I reveal hidden things.  I know everything, sweet child. I long to chase your shadows away.  My light is not glaring, it is not blinding, but I will shine on you gently, and together we can bring every piece of your story into the golden light of my love.   Bask in my truth and freedom-- there is grace in being known by Me.  There is freedom in the True Light.

Dear one, follow my Light. Let any coldness thaw in my glow, and weave your fingers into mine. Come with Me. My word is a Lamp to your feet; you will not stumble in the darkness, but walk confidently in my path. My word is Truth—it will keep you from following false lights.

When you follow close with me, my light gets in you. Even those whose eyes are still closed to Me will see my brightness in your life.  Shine, Dear One!! Walk as a child of the light! Walk in love, for my True Light is the true nature of Love. My Love sees the pain of others and does not hide from it.  My light gets in through the broken places--you are bringing me glory when you let my light shine through your brokenness into the lives of others.  You are bringing my salvation to every corner of  this dark world!

The True Light

“The true light that gives light in every man was coming into the world.”
John 1:9

John 12:46, John 12:35, Psalms 119:105, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Ephesians 5:8-9, 1 Peter 2:9,
1 John 1:5-7, 1 John 2:10, Philippians 2:15-16

Friday, April 18, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week Part 5)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.

Dear Child,
I am Jesus, I am the Son of God, the image of the Invisible God. I am the One in whom the very fullness of God was pleased to dwell. In me, all things were created, all things created through me and for me.  I hold everything together.

Come boldly to me.  I sit at the Father's right hand, but I do not use my power or privilege to exalt myself.  Oh no, child, I abandoned it all to come to you.  I took on the life and body and limits of man, I submitted to death on your behalf.  I did not hold my very life back from you-- It is my delight to give you everything I have!

You have the ear of the prince, my Love.  Come to the Son of God, weak and weary as you may be. I will hold you together. I will give you rest.  My favor and grace are enough for you-- my power is made perfect in weakness.

The Son of God

“When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, ‘Surely He was the Son of God!’ “
Matthew 27:54

Colossians 1:15-20, Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 4:16, Philippians 2:6-11

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week Part 4)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.

Dear Child,
The Son of Man is a man like any other human.  Fully, completely, vulnerably, painfully, beautifully human.  My body formed in the womb of a woman--a mother like your mother.  I grew up as any boy would-- I cried for comfort and nourishment, I toddled and stumbled, I grew up gawky.  I worked and slept and ate and studied and grew strong and wise. I had family and friends and enemies.

I call myself "Son of Man" to remind you that I came to Earth to serve and not to be served.  I emptied myself of any advantage of deity, and submitted completely to the Father's will for my life.  I understand your weaknesses and weariness, little one.  In every respect I was as you are; yet I was without sin.  I lived a perfect life on your behalf.  My very real body lived and died, bled and breathed this life for you. When I died, my body grew cold in a tomb, 3 days cold, before warming again, lungs filling again, blood pumping again.

I am the flesh-and-blood Son of Man and perfect and spotless Son of God.  Don’t you see? You don't have to be perfect; I did it for you.  My righteousness wraps around your life like a snow white robe. Now you, too, can die to your old life and become real again. This is the delight of the Son of Man—for you to become the person I made you to be, dead to sin and alive to God. Eternal, abundant life is yours because of

The Son of Man

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45

Phil 2:6-8, Luke 2:52, Hebrews 4:15, Romans 6:11, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 19:8

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week Part 3)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.

Dear Child,
I am the Truth.  I did not come to show the truth or teach the truth or model the truth.  I did not come to feed you facts or set up a moral standard for you.  I came to BE Truth.  Truth is a person.  Truth is who I am—Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.

I came to you, not to win followers to my message, but to live as Truth in a deceptive and sin-warped world.  Child, peace is not found in facts, although I am Fact, I am Reality. 

Truth is not the same as certainty--certainty can be an idol even to the most devout believer.

Listen!  I did not lay down my life so my followers would be on the "right" side of an argument.  My blood spilled out on a criminal's cross because of the greatest Truth of all: for God so loved the world.  Truth is love that laid down his life for his enemies.

Truth is not an acquisition of ideas or a mastery of culture's latest tenets.  Culture's truths will change. Knowledge will pass away. Truth is more than a list of things not to do-- the desire to be right at all costs will crush you, and wound others.  No--Truth is a Person.  Truth is God made flesh and clothed in love.  Truth is God come to meet you in this beautiful, brutal world.  Knowing Truth is knowing me, knowing the image of the invisible God.

Oh! I long for you to seek the Truth; to seek Me.  The more you know me, the more you become conformed to my likeness.  It happens naturally--as you might take on the characteristics of a spouse or close friend, the more we are together, the more you begin to be like the Truth. Your words will sound like Truth, your actions to look like Truth, your very countenance to shine like Truth in a dark world. 

How I love you,

The Truth

“Jesus answered, ‘ I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.’ “
John 14:6

John 3:16, Colossians 3:12-13, Romans 8:29, John 1:14, 1 John 3:16, Matthew 23:37, 1 Corinthians 13:8

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week Part 2)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.

Dearest Child,
Oh, sweet one!  You are on a journey--do you know that I am the Way?  The Way isn't merely a path or a direction or a choice among many.  The Way is a Person to follow!  I am the Way. To know the Way means to know me, to sink into trusting relationship with me, and to let go of your fear of the unknown.  

I don't offer you a map--you can't know every twist and turn of the journey ahead of time-- but my Word is a Lamp for your feet. My Truth, my character, is your compass.  You don't have to be afraid
. My own journey through life included great struggle, but take courage: I am with you!  I am the Way of truth, of life, the Way to the Father, the Way to your true Home.  I am the Way to the place you were made for and the Way to the person you were made to be. I am the beginning, the end, and the in-between.

"This is the Way, walk in it."  I have called you to Walk in me, in Christ. Oh how it pleases me when we walk together! Don't look to the side.  Don't compare our journey to another's. Hold tight to my hand-- no dark, shadowy season can overtake you without My Presence leading and comforting you. I will never leave you, never--no, not ever!!

The Way

“Jesus answered, ‘ I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.’ “
John 14:6

Psalm 119:105, Isaiah 30:21, Hebrews 13:5, Ephesians 4:1, Psalm 23:3-4, John 16:33

Monday, April 14, 2014

Letters from Jesus (Holy Week 1)

The names of God revealed in scripture give us glimpses into his character. For Holy Week, I am posting one letter every day from a different name of Jesus. These messages are lifted from God's word (references are below each letter), birthed in prayer, and intended to be a personal missive from the heart of God's character to you.  May you be blessed, and may the Name(s) of Jesus be glorified through my imperfect words.


Dear Child,
My name, Jesus, means "Salvation". 

"Salvation", the name heralded by angelic tongues to a simple carpenter. "Salvation", the name whispered by a virgin over her firstborn son. "Salvation", the name sneered at by the Pharisees. "Salvation", the name that crudely labeled Golgotha's cross.

This, this, is the name at which every knee will bow, the name above every name on Heaven and Earth. My very name is a prayer, a plea, a request that comes to my ears before it even passes your lips!  Whisper my name, child, "Jesus, Salvation!", and I am with you, mighty to save. 

My name, Jesus, Salvation, is my identity--it is who I am, it is what I delight to do!

Within my name is my heartbeat, my joy, my loving intent for my people. I saved you, not because of anything you have done, but because of my own purpose and grace.  Salvation is not a possession, but a Person. I am Jesus, I am your Salvation.


 “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus,
because He will save His people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21

Matthew 27:37, Luke 6:11, Phil 2:10, Zephaniah 3:17, 1 Timothy 1:15, 2 Tim 1:9, Romans 10:9